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Adaptive Yoga Teacher Training
Module 1: Orientation and Intention-Setting Practices
Welcome to the Adaptive Yoga Teacher Training! (4:30)
What to expect in this course
Foundational Concepts
Asanas: The Physical Postures (52:18)
Test Your Learning: Experiential Practices (11:53)
Module 1.1: Standing Postures and Sun Salutations
I. Functional Anatomy of the Feet & Legs
II. Foundations of Sequencing
III. The Standing Postures: Asanas for Presence (57:15)
IV. The Sun Salutations (29:44)
Test Your Learning: Posture Quiz
Module 2: Pranayama: The Neuroscience of Breath
Concept introduction: Yoga in our Breath
I. Breath Fundamentals: Anatomy & Physiology
II. Breathing for the Brain: SNS & PNS
III. Toning the Pelvic Floor
Test Your Learning: Experiential Practices (4:16)
Module 2.1: Subtle Body and Models of the Self
Concept introduction: The Subtle Body
I. The Chakra System: A Hierarchy of Needs
II. The Pancha Maya Kosha Model: Five Layers of the Self
III. Yoga Nidra and the Meditative Experience
Test Your Learning: Experiential Practices (2:08)
Module 2.2: Core Stabilization
I. Tips to Soles and the Vanity Muscles
II. Bracing for Movement: Supplemental Core Work (8:10)
III. The Core Postures: Asanas for Stability (15:53)
Test Your Learning: Posture Quiz
Module 2.3: Seated Postures
I. Functional Movement of the Pelvis
III. The Seated Postures: Asanas for Grounding and Connection (22:39)
Test Your Learning: Posture Quiz
Module 3: Ancient Ethics, Modern World
Concept Introduction: Timeless Ethics
I. The Yamas and Niyamas
II. History & Culture
III. The Somatic Language of Sanskrit
Test Your Learning: Experiential Practices (5:20)
Module 3.1: Balance Postures and Hip Openers
I. The Vestibular System and Functional Movement of the Joints
II. Strategies for Sequencing - Motor Learning (31:14)
III. The Balance Postures & Hip Openers: Asanas for Stability and Creativity (68:14)
Test Your Learning: Posture Quiz
Module 4: Ayurveda: The Sister Science
Concept Introduction: Sister Sciences
I. The Kleshas: Roots of Suffering
II. Essential Qualities of Nature
III: The Doshas: Cultivating the Opposite
Test Your Learning: Experiential Practices (5:46)
Module 4.1: Twists and Asymmetrical Postures
I. The Function of Dynamic Movements
III. The Twists & Asymmetrical Postures: Asanas for Exploration (27:59)
Test Your Learning: Posture Quiz
Module 5: Special Populations - Yoga Through the Lifespan
Concept Introduction
I. Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga (46:16)
II. Yoga for Children
III. Yoga for Seniors
Test Your Learning: Experiential Practices
Module 5.1: Backbends
I. Functional Movement of the Spine
III. Backbends: Asanas for Expansion (34:09)
Test Your Learning: Posture Quiz
Module 5.2: Chair Yoga
I. The Most Adaptive Practice
III. Chair Yoga: Adaptive Asanas for Inclusivity
Test Your Learning: Posture Quiz
Module 6: Special Populations - Yoga for Emotional/Mental Imbalances (including PTSD)
Concept Introduction
I. Feeling the Feelings
II. Yoga for Emotional Imbalances
III. Trauma-Informed Teaching
Test Your Learning: Experiential Practices
Module 6.1: Advanced Postures
I. What Good Are the Advanced Postures Anyways?
III. Advanced Postures: Asanas for Self-Exploration (30:43)
Module 7: Special Populations - Yoga for Pain and Neurological Conditions
Concept Introduction
I. What is Pain?
II. Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional
III. Connecting Brain to Body (30:51)
Module 8: Special Populations - Yoga for Recovery and Trauma-Informed Teaching
Concept Introduction
I. What is Addiction?
II. The Dis-ease of Disconnection (46:28)
III. Somatic Experiencing
Module 9: Special Populations - Yoga for Cancer
Concept Introduction
I. We All Have Cancer
II. Arming Yourself Emotionally
Module 9.1: Styles of Assisting
Concept Introduction: Observe to Assist
I. The No-Touch Philosophy
II. A Hierarchical Approach Assists
III. Creating Safe Space
Module 10: The Yoga of Business
Concept Introduction: All You Need To Know About the Business of Yoga
I. Ethics of Business and Respectful Conduct
Wrap up
Course recap
Your feedback
Final steps
Course Completion Quiz
I. Functional Movement of the Pelvis
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